Join us Sundays at 10:30AM
Community room at Kin On in south Seattle (4416 S Brandon) - entrance in back
map of Kin On Community Room where Church of Hope gathers to worship
What to expect at our service:
Wherever and however we may gather, we ARE the church. We live in God's world, and God is present in every person, under every leaf, in our hopes and joys, and even in our deepest fears and toughest challenges.
Our Sunday morning services are informal and participatory. You are welcome to participate (or not) as much as feels comfortable for you--and to ask questions about what we do or why we do it. Small children (and others who need to move their bodies) are welcome as their full, authentic selves--even if it’s loud! Coffee, tea, and light snacks are usually available, and you may get up at any time.
The gatherings are creative and flexible, but follow this basic outline (or liturgy, in church-speak) in 4 movements:
We breathe, grounding ourselves in the present moment and remembering that wherever we are is sacred ground.
We sing together.
We confess that, although we are created good in God’s image, we have all been wounded and have caused harm; we are entangled in systems of injustices that we cannot change on our own. We receive the assurance of God’s mercy: we are known, loved, forgiven, and transformed.
We share Good News: glimpses of what brings us joy, how we have noticed the presence of God in our lives, reasons why we are grateful, and signs of hope.
We read a Bible story (and often another text as well) and reflect via a sermon, discussion, creative art project, or other activity. We notice the points of resonance and tension in how the ancient stories weave through our own stories into God’s story.
We sing.
We pray for ourselves, for those we love and those we fear, and for all of God's world, trusting in God's mercy and power.
We remember the last night Jesus gathered for a meal with his friends, and his promise to be with us in the ordinary things of life, nourishing and sustaining us.
We receive the sacrament of Holy Communion: a small piece of bread (gluten-free available) and juice, representing the body and blood of Jesus.
All are welcome to participate: This is God’s table, not our own, and everyone is welcome here.
We commit to take care of each other and all who are in need. God’s work is done by our hands. We share announcements and opportunities to connect.
We sing again.
We bless each other as we go, knowing that we are not alone. We are in God’s world.
You are welcome to stay and chat, help put away chairs, and clean up.
More questions? Feel free to contact Pastor Darla (
We are a church for old, young, gay, straight, trans, doubters, believers, fence-sitters, activists, scientists, poets, and slackers. There is a place here for you!
Land Acknowledgement
We are on land created by God, stewarded for generations by the Duwamish people, who are still here. We honor the Creator’s continuing presence in this land, confess our complicity in its brokenness, and awaken to our connectedness with all that is.